Religion-and-Spirituality – The Uniqueness and Divergence Between the Two

Religion and spirituality are two complementary factors, yet each has its own differences and is quite different in terms of attitudes and beliefs. You might be wondering the difference between the two, which somehow creates significant confusion among his believers. To shed some light on this subject, an analysis of both would be entirely useful.

Critique of the Religion and Spirituality Discourse in Family Articles -  Zaloudek - 2017 - Journal of Family Theory & Review - Wiley Online  Library

Here, we will try to uncover the difference between religion and spirituality and what makes them unique in their own way.

o of Fear of God vs. Love of God – In religion, you are taught to obey God’s commands and to act according to the Holy Bible. It reminds you of what is good and what is bad to save you from the fires of hell. However, the idea of ​​hell is not out of perfect obedience for some believers to follow the sacred rules, but mostly out of fear. Spirituality, on the other hand, takes you on a journey to knowing God. And, knowing him will only be real if you follow him on the path of love. Following the path of love will only be possible if you know God with all your heart and seek Him with all your being – not out of fear, but out of your love and devotion to Him. It creates a thin line between religion and spirituality.

o Omnipresent vs. above the sky – we are talking about where God is actually. In religion, you are taught that God lives above and above the sky. The method of spirituality is different. Spirituality focuses more on the omnipresence of God, one that is omniscient, one God who is able to see and act above and beyond, and one that allows you to see His grace and goodness through actions like a man and Christ.

o Rituals vs. Worship এ these are not actually two opposite causes, but there are differences between them that connect us to religion and spirituality. Religion is more concerned with how you worship God in the right and divine way – religious ceremonies. Where spirituality places more emphasis on creating a divine heavenly and sacred temple closest to your being – an inner temple found in your heart. Spirituality is not related to ritual, but it certainly respects the sense of formality. That made the difference.

Critique of the Religion and Spirituality Discourse in Family Articles -  Zaloudek - 2017 - Journal of Family Theory & Review - Wiley Online  Library

In short, the differences between religion and spirituality may seem like an endless procession of faith and ideology, but in the end, one truth will prevail: no matter where you are, you are a man of religion or spirituality, you still worship, obey and love the same God. , The one and only supreme ruler, the greatest father, and omniscient God.